martes, 8 de julio de 2008

There's a hole in your soul like an animal
With no
Close your eyes, pay the price for your paradise
Devils feed on the seeds that are sown

All this running around, well it's getting me down
Just give me a pain that I'm used to
I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive
You just need to achieve something that rings true

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Amo tu flog candeloo
nos vemos hoy

Anónimo dijo...

a soy yo anis

Beaucoup de vices dijo...

JAJAJAJ cuando lei "anonimo" dije: APA ! un admirador secreto, te amo candela necesito de vos, de un cálido abrazo jajaja ! sos muchisimo para mi bitch